Saturday, June 17th

Attendance is included in the conference fee!

10AM-10:45AM: Opening in the Auditorium, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Cologne

11AM-1PM: Parallel Workshops

  • A1: „Das Mobile of Life®: Arbeiten mit innerem Narrativ und Lebensentwurf“  (Denise Ritter, Germany) (german)

  • A2: „Erzählungen im System – Narrative Perspektiven in der systemischen Beratung“ (Robert Baum, Germany) (german)

  • A3: „Experiencing the importance of the „invisible“. A narrative metaphor of reality in human relationships” (Mario Fernández Alameda, Spain) (english)

  • A4: Narrative Counselling in business communications (Tanya Anistratenko, Russia) (english)


 2:30PM–4:30PM: Parallel Workshops

  • B1: „Das Mobile of Life®: Arbeiten mit innerem Narrativ und Lebensentwurf“  (Denise Ritter, Germany) (german)

  • B2: „Working with displaced people: their self-expression through narratives and art“ (Alina Olishchuk, Ukraine) (english)

  • B3: „Retelling our stories: how effective measurement , empathy, paradoxical agenda setting and adequate therapeutic techniques can bring clients to reexamine the stories that they tell themselves (Yehuda & Amira Bar Shalom, Israel) (english)

  • B4: „Let your Self tell you a story: Basic emotional competence as a pen for writing authentic life stories“ (Ivana Paunovic, Serbia) (english)